Hi, my name is Tirthankar Bhattacharya
I'm the Developer you need.

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I am a recent graduate from Academy of Technology with a B.Tech in Computer Science, where I cultivated a passion for problem-solving. Currently, I am thriving as a Software Developer in the UI team at Zeotap, a leading customer data platform. In this role, I learned and made myself proficient in Angular and libraries related to it such as Ramda and Rxjs, to optimize user interfaces and enhance user experiences. Prior to joining Zeotap, I actively participated in algorithmic contests hosted on platforms like Codeforces, CodeChef, LeetCode, and AtCoder, achieving a 5-star rating on CodeChef and a specialist rank on Codeforces. This experience has equipped me with a strong foundation in algorithmic problem-solving, which I continue to apply in my work at Zeotap. While I have worked extensively with front-end technologies in a professional setting, my experience with back-end languages such as Node.js, Express, SQL, and PostgreSQL is primarily from personal projects. I am dedicated to leveraging my skills and passion for technology to drive impactful projects forward and continue my journey of growth and learning in the tech industry.

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  • Worked as an intern for one year before transitioning into a full-time role.
  • Spearheaded the development and optimization of various features utilizing Angular framework, ensuring adherence to best practices and maintaining code quality.
  • Engineered new components, optimized performance, and ensured seamless integration with existing custom UI components to enhance user experience.
  • Led the overhaul of specific sections of the product website, aligning design with modern principles and improving overall usability.
  • Enhanced the reusability of custom UI components, broadening their applicability across different aspects of the platform.
  • Investigated and resolved critical bugs, prioritizing root cause analysis to prevent recurrence and ensure platform stability.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in RxJS and Ramda, leveraging reactive programming paradigms to streamline data flow and enhance code maintainability.
  • Always maintained code cleanliness by modularizing logic into pure functions, facilitating thorough unit testing and codebase scalability.
  • Addressed technical debt by orchestrating the Angular upgrade across the codebase, managing dependencies, and identifying suitable package alternatives.
  • Ensured production readiness of code through thorough testing and implementation of feature toggles for seamless deployment.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to comprehend development efforts, identifying and mitigating potential edge cases.
  • Facilitated discussions and consensus on API contracts, accommodating future scalability and interoperability requirements.



  • It's a single page web app which is fed some user info, and it then displays them as cards. Here we get our robofriend's pictures and email-ids.
  • Learnt responsive designing, to style using the npm package Tachyons, and deploying using Github pages.
  • The project is entirely built using React and deployed using Github pages
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Twitter clone

  • This is a Twitter clone which has real time tweet updating system. The page is divided into three parts. Left most part has the navigating pane, middle part the Feeds section where we can write tweets(along with images/GIFs) and post them, and it will be displayed and lastly the right most part has the What's happening section and live tweets from an account of our choice.
  • In client side learnt to partition web pages using Flex and to do state management using Redux. In back end learnt to use Firebase as a real time database for storing data and also to deploy
  • Front end was done on React and in back end Firebase was used as a real time database. Deployed using Firebase. CSS Animation APIs used such as React Flip Move.
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  • It's a Face Recognition web app. It makes a blue box around faces in the given picture which can be given by the user by providing a link to the picture. It also has a register/login feature and user ranking feature.
  • Learnt and implemented REST APIs, and also session handling in Express framework. Learnt how to deploy front end and back end separately on Heroku
  • The front end is made using React, back end the server using Node.js and database using PostgreSQL.Finally, the deployment is done on Render.
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